November 2-12, 2024
Andes Mountain 10-Day Tour
This is a benefit ride for
People of Peru Project

For every rider People of Peru Project sponsors an impoverished student for a full year in school.

We start in Cusco, taking in the grandeur of the Andes Mountain Range. Snow-capped mountains and primitive villages will be the mainstay as you experience Peru in a way that goes beyond, the ordinary.

If you prefer the paved roads...there are plenty of them, connecting every major city and points of interest. If secondary roads and backcountry are what you want, you will be in the middle of it all.

November 2-12 is the actual ride....Arrive IN CUSCO No later than November 1st for acclimation and prep. Kickstands up on November 2 .
You can not arrive on the on the 2nd.
(October 31 would be preferable as a buffer for missed flights etc)

October 31. Travel Day Arrive in Cusco, Acclimate, relax, get fitted with gear, and prep for the trip. (It likely will take two days to get from the US to Cusco)

November 1st. Acclimate and group meeting for protocol

November 2nd. KICKSTANDS UP Pick up bikes and tour the backcountry outside of Chinchero down to Urubamba for a look around the Studio of Pablo Seminario, a world-famous potter, who has his work displayed in the Smithsonian, Chicago Field Museum, and World Bank in New York. He is a friend of mine and you will enjoy his warm welcome. Then, on to Laras for a soak in the hot springs and a night's rest in mountain cabins with local residents preparing our meals.

November 3. Enjoy a full day of riding in the mountains on primitive roads, and creek crossings, interacting with curious local people and dodging the grazing Alpaca. We finish the day in Ollantaytambo where we leave our bikes and catch the train to Agua Caliente, the next morning for a tour of Machu Picchu.

November 4. Machu Picchu Tour, then back to Ollantaytambo to spend the night resting in this living Inca village.

November 5. Embark for Puno (Lake Titicaca) 7 hours of riding in the Alto Plano (high country)

November 6. Tour Lake Titicaca by boat, Uros (the floating Islands), and the large Island of Taquile We return to enjoy the local restaurants and culture.

November 7. Puno to Chivay, passing over 16,000 ft. elevation along the way. Beautiful rugged backcountry and snow-covered peaks will be the view of the day.

November 8. Chivay to the Colca Canyon "Condor observation point." Then, we spend the rest of the day riding in and around Colca Canyon which is twice as deep as the Grand Canyon.

November 9. Colca to Espinar. Primitive and paved roads wind up, down, over, and through this varied, breathtaking region. Some amazing riding is an understatement.

November 10. Then from Espinar to the Hanging Inca Bridge "Q'eswachaka" is one of the most amazing and inspiring sights of the trip and some of the most beautiful roads you will ever encounter in this region. We finish the day in Cusco. Return the bikes and unwind with hot, showers, great food, and a look around this amazing city.

November 11. Enjoy the local sights in Cusco. Many fantastic restaurants, so much architecture, shopping, barber shops, and Inca Massage. You get the idea. This day also serves as a buffer in case we encounter any delays along the route of getting back to Cusco. Don't plan to skip this day. We don't want to lose our one-day travel buffer.

November 12. Cusco/Lima/US flight


  • Motorcycle, Honda CB 500's Dual Sports, or the Honda XRE 300 dual sports.

  • Helmet, goggles/shield, Though I can't imagine not bringing your own...

  • Heated gear is not required but I highly suggest at least heated gloves for the high passes. We will talk about these things well in advance of the trip.

  • Basic spare parts and tools for normal roadside adjustments or tire repairs.

  • Tour guide, tickets to Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca, and Colca Canyon, and all non-motorcycle transportation associated with the tour, after arriving in Cusco, for example, buses and trains for Machu Picchu, airport pickup, etc.

  • Breakfast in the hotels every day.

  • Hotels based on two-person occupancy

  • Transfer to and from the airport in Cusco


The hotel rooms for this program are double rooms. Other arrangements can be made for single rooms with an increased fee. Let me know ahead of time if you prefer to pay extra for a single room.

Not included:

Airfare, Lunch, and dinner. We snack for lunch on the road and enjoy the local restaurants in the evening. Food is not expensive.

Gasoline. We fill up and I pay as a group during the ride for efficiency and then split the cost equally among the participants at the end of the ride. Around $100 ish.

You will need to bring a dry bag/backpack, saddle bags, or some sort of soft bags, and perhaps a tank bag depending on what else you use for gear. We will discuss that well in advance of the ride. The bikes have back racks but that is all. I have been using a soft bag system that I got from Marketplace about 8 years ago, along with a tail bag and a small magnetic tank bag.


Check out our Facebook page for some photos of recent tours. Peru VolunTours


There will be a ten-rider limit for this tour and a minimum of 4.

A $250 deposit will hold your place and will be refunded IF for some reason the trip is canceled on OUR end.

A non-refundable $750 payment will be due October 3, and the balance of $1,800 will be due upon arrival in Cusco in Cash. Clean Crip $100 dollar bills.

So, this is an awesome adventure for $2,800 PLUS flights.

The international flight to Lima can run anywhere from $500-$1,000 dollars depending on where you are coming from.

The in-country flights, Lima/Cusco/Lima should be less than $200. Basically, the previous groups have done the whole thing for less than $4,000. The flights are the variable component.

Kickstands are up on November 2, meaning you need to be in Cusco by November 1 at the latest . We are starting from 12,000 ft elevation so it is recommended that you arrive 2 days early to rest and acclimate. Hotel expenses outside the 10-day tour are your obligation. You will still lodge at the same location and we will still pick you up at the airport.

Butler Travel, in Portland Oregon, has booked hundreds of flights for our passengers and for the volunteers to our organization in Iquitos, People of Peru Project. Tell them Paul from Peru Voluntours/People of Peru Project, sent you and that you need a flight all the way to CUSCO no later than November 1.

This agency knows the Lima routes and has been very competitive on pricing. I suggest you check with your own agency, do some online looking and call Butler Travel...nobody is the cheapest all the time but they are very good.